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Indian cotton yarn exports grows in April

Cotton yarn exports stood at $US 318mn in April, almost twice from that of same month last year.

Seventy-five countries imported yarn at an average price of US$3.20 a kg in the month.

China sharply increased its import by almost four times in volume and value terms and was top importer during the month. It was followed by Bangladesh with volume and value both rising by 45 per cent over the year. Portugal and Vietnam were the other major importers, also doubling their imports from India. Peru was the fifth largest destination.

Bulgaria, Indonesia, Hong Kong and USA were among the fastest importers of cotton yarn in April while Austria, Brazil and United Arab Emirates significantly reduced their import compared to last year.

Combed yarn export accounted for 63 per cent of total exports during April with China and Bangladesh being the major buyers followed by Portugal and Vietnam. Knit yarn accounted for more than half of total export value of cotton yarn.



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