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EU releases third Sustainability Compact report for Bangladesh

The European Commission has released its third annual report on the progress achieved in the Bangladeshi garment sector through its Sustainability Compact for Bangladesh – an international response to the 2013 tragic collapse of the Rana Plaza factory complex. Since the launch of the initiative, the Compact has contributed to tangible improvements in workplace safety. However, workers' rights remains a challenging area with a particular urgency on freedom of association, says the report.

While some improvements can be noticed, sizeable efforts still need to be made to ensure that real change takes place and is sustained over the long term, according to the report. As regards legislative improvements, the EU expects further development of labour-related legislation and enforcement of the existing rules in full compliance with the fundamental rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

On administrative aspects, the report points at the need for a new strategy for safety inspections and re-mediation, ensuring effective coordination between key Bangladeshi regulators with competences in that area. The EU also calls for further reinforcement of administrative capacities through recruitment and training of inspectors and for a full transparency as regards the outcomes of factory inspections.

Further to that, the EU report underlines the need for continuous education, training and capacity building on issues such as labour rights, and occupational safety and health.

The report, along with recommendations also formulates the wish for a strong longer-term engagement of international private companies involved in business operations in Bangladesh, which have been key in bringing progress on the ground over the last years.


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