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Bangladesh factories still lack safe exit

Many garment factories in Bangladesh are yet to be equipped with safe exit facilities, leaving workers vulnerable to fires. Most factories do not have a safe exit. They do not have fire protected doors. They have collapsible gates and gates that shut automatically.

Buildings without fire-proof exit stairs, including fire doors, which swing in the direction of exit are death traps. Exit paths are not accessible at all times. About 55.2 per cent of 32 platinum factories in Bangladesh that produce apparel products for Swedish retailer H&M still have sliding doors and collapsible gates. Over 60 per cent of factories lack fire-preventive doors and staircases.

It has been proved that installation of fire-rated doors and enclosure of stairwells is perhaps the single most important step a factory can take to prevent workers from being killed in a fire. Alliance, a retailers’ group from North America, says almost all its listed factories need fire doors. It has expressed concern over the slow progress in remediation in line with the action plans.

The only sign of change is that though garment factories still use collapsible gates, the tendency of keeping those locked during work hours has decreased to some extent.


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