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The International Woolmark Prize has announced the panel of judges for the India and Middle East regional final round to be held in Mumbai on July 3. The judges will decide which two emerging fashion brands will go through to the global final for the men’s wear and women’s wear categories.

The India and Middle East regional final judging panel includes: Imran Amed, Founder and Editor, The Business of Fashion, Anthony Kendal, Global Communications Director,  Peter Ackroyd, Global Strategic Advisor, The Woolmark Company, Priyanka Khanna, Senior Fashion Features Editor, Vogue India and Rahul Mishra, 2013/14 International Woolmark Prize winner.

The 2014/15 edition of the International Woolmark Prize sees the competition extended to include a men’s wear award. Two finalists will be selected from each region – one for men’s wear and one for women’s wear. The five men’s wear finalists will meet at London Collections: Men in January 2015 and the five women’s wear finalists will meet in Beijing in March 2015. The five regional awards will be held in Tokyo, Sydney, Paris, Mumbai and New York.

Central America is increasingly nervous about Vietnam's participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade talks, with some experts claiming its inclusion could bring losses of around $6 billion to its bread-winning textiles and apparel sector. An early entrant to the highly controversial, 12-country free trade accord, Vietnam wants flexible rules of origin and zero trade duties as soon as it is signed.

But Central American and US textile executives claim that would be a disaster, robbing the five Central American countries and the Dominican Republic, which make up the DR-CAFTA free-trade zone with the US, of 25 per cent of their exports during the TPP's first year.

In 2013, DR-CAFTA (Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement) countries exported $7.8 billion worth of apparel to the US. Based on that figure, if Vietnam enters the TPP under its request for a non-yarn forward rule, export losses could total nearly $6 billion in the first three years of the TPP.

DR-CAFTA members have teamed with US textile lobbies to ask US Congress to pressure Vietnam to accept a yarn-forward rule of origin forcing it to limit sourcing from the TPP bloc. The partners are also asking that zero tariff benefits would be granted over a number of years.

As per the Foreign Trade Society of Peru (Comex) report, Peru earned $12 million in the first quarter of this year in the form of anti-dumping duty imposed on garments of Chinese origin in December last year. Last December, the National Institute for Defense Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) imposed anti-dumping duties on five types of clothing imported from China.


The state's agency carried out this mechanism in order to neutralize the damage caused to the Peruvian domestic industry due to imports of clothing from China, which entered Peru at dumping prices. Of the five categories, pants and shorts alone accounted for nearly $9million or 74 per cent of the total amount collected between January and March, Comex said.


Anti-dumping duties on imports of pants and shorts are collected at $3.73 per garment, while duties on the other four items range between $0.14 and $1 per garment. These duties are applicable to Chinese clothing which are imported at less than or equal to $6.73 for shirts, $15.98 for trousers and shorts, $4.33 for T-shirts, $1.59 for innerwear and $1.24 for socks.


In 2013, Peru exported textiles and clothing worth $2 billion, of which clothing shipments totaled $1.6 billion, accounting for 80 per cent of the total textile and apparel exports from the country. The United States was the main destination for exports of Peruvian textiles and garments, accounting for 34 per cent of the overall exports of textiles and apparel during 2013.


In order to overcome any possible procedural hassles and also delay and confusion over the communication to beneficiaries on the Textile Upgradation Fund Scheme, the textile ministry has decided to put every thing online. Beneficiaries can check all information from application to sanction of fund and subsidy and related matters with regard to TUF online. Once the software is ready it would be launched.

The online facility will be based on four parts: beneficiaries, bankers, the office of textile commissioner and the ministry. This will ensure no gap in the process from application to sanction. This decision is as a response to problems raised by mills on specific issues including non-receipt of subsidy and the blackout period of the scheme. Of the total sanction of Rs 19,500 crores, there is a committed liability of over Rs 9,500 crores.

Since the industry requires at least Rs 2,500 crores as fund each year, the department has sought additional allocation to meet the demand, so that more mills can be modernised and a competitive edge can be given to the Indian textile industry. Of the 23 lakh power looms, only about 1.25 lakh looms have taken advantage of TUF and other schemes.

Exports of Thai textile and garment products are expected to increase by 3.66 per cent from last year. There is a growing demand for sports outfits as more Thais are turning to physical exercise. At the same time, Thai companies have been assigned to manufacture soccer outfits for 10 teams participating in the 2014 World Cup tournament.

Thai garment and textile exports to the United States and Europe have remained positive despite the US downgrading the country on its human trafficking watch list. This downgrade is not expected to affect trade connections between US and Thai business operators. Business operators are more concerned over trade privileges granted by the European Union under its generalised system of preferences, which expires next year.

Thailand’s textile and garment industry has set its sights on becoming a fashion hub for the ASEAN region. In order to maintain its position in the global apparel industry, Thailand needs to cooperate with ASEAN countries for sustainability. Exports to Asia -- including China, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan -- now account for half the country’s total exports.

Thailand has advantages including strategic location to become a distribution centre of ASEAN, product quality, and an array of educational institutes producing personnel for textiles and design. 

ITMA Asia + CITME 2014 that took place from June 16 to 20, saw a seven percent increase in visitors as against the last edition of 2012. China accounted for 80 per cent of the visitors and over 20  per cent were from overseas, among them India, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, and Turkey.

The Chinese also headed the exhibitor list. There were almost 1,600 exhibitors, reflecting the rapid Chinese textile machinery manufacturing capacity. They were followed by exhibitors from Germany, Japan, Italy and Switzerland. The biggest exhibition sector was spinning, followed by washing, dyeing, bleaching, printing, finishing, knitting and weaving.

Itema launched the new air-jet weaving machine, offering a new benchmark for speed in weaving mills and offering overall savings. The machine is equipped with real time control, the patented system to reduce air consumption by optimising the blowing, and the digital air consumption metering, giving real time access to air consumption data. It features also an automatic nozzle tank pressure setting on the console, and the Itema Productivity Optimisation System, the patented software to increase the productivity of the machine and weave more fabric.  The A9500 e air-jet loom offered the best of efficiency, effectiveness and ease of operation.

The next edition of ITMA Asia + CITME will be October 24 to  28, 2016, Shanghai.

Australia is all set to almost touch a figure of one million tons in raw cotton exports to become the third largest exporter of raw cotton in the world, says the National Australia Bank (NAB) Agribusiness Rural Commodities Wrap report. It further said that recovery in cotton prices was likely to have acted as an incentive to production, with prices above historical average levels and more favorable than alternative crops.

However, dry-land cotton planting are minimal due to the extended and extreme drought conditions that impact growing areas. According to the report, the Australian dollar was forecast to track lower to 84 cents by the 2014 December quarter, which should provide further benefits to exporters. The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) is also predicting an easing off of exports this year to just below one million tons. Australia had hit record exports of cotton in the year 2012-13.

China will continue to hold its influence on global exports, continuing the trend it has followed over recent years. Two years of stockpiling cotton has lifted China's stocks-to-use ratio to the point where it would be self-sufficient for 18 months without any production or trade. This has pushed the world ratio to an all-time high of 89 per cent. Report also said that a speedy recovery in the economy of major developed countries is also contributing to a turnaround in the global textile sector.

As a part of its expansion plans, South Korean company Daewoo International Corporation, has decided to pump in $22 million in two production capacities of Daewoo Textile Fergana and Daewoo Textile Bukhara in Uzbekistan. With the expansion of production capacities, they plan to increase their production volume to $170 million by 2016 and $300 million by 2020.


The relevant Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Uzbekengilsanoat State Joint Stock Company and Daewoo International Corporation on expansion and modernization of production capacities of the Daewoo Textile Fergana and Daewoo Textile Bukhara. Both the companies will invest $12 million dollars from their own resources in 2014-2015 to expand their spinning capacities by 4,000 tons. The companies will invest another $10 million dollars to modernize and expand their capacities in 2016-2017. Around $3 million were invested in spinning production in Fergana and Bukhara to purchase new spinning equipment for improving the quality and volume of produced goods. 


Daewoo Textile Fergana was founded in 1996 by Daewoo International Corporation which invested about $100 million in development of textile production. It specializes in textile production, in particular cotton fabric and yarn. The textile plant is located in the south of Fergana valley in the Eastern Uzbekistan. While, Daewoo Textile Bukhara is a leading company in textile field was launched by Daewoo International Corporation in Bukhara in 2008. Yarn produced by Daewoo Textile Bukhara is exported to many countries. In 2013, Daewoo Textile Fergana produced goods for $107 million and Daewoo Textile Bukhara worth $44 million.

Sheikh Ilyas Mahmood, Chairman and Adil Tahir, Vice Chairman Pakistan Textile Exporters Association (PTEA) feels technology constraint is one of the major reasons why Pakistan has not been able to achieve rapid socio-economic development. He demanded that the government must introduce latest technologies in all sectors to revive the economy and ensure sustainable growth of the country.

He further added that Pakistan has not been able to make requisite advancement in modern technology in the fields of industry, production, energy, infrastructure and other sectors due to which the country has not been able to exploit untapped potential in many sectors of the economy. He said that to facilitate investments in modern technology, the government should lower tariffs on the import of latest technology and machinery apart from conducting surveys in industrial units and providing technical expertise to industries for applying modern technologies to reduce wastage and improve energy efficiency.

Gaziantep, which is the center of the Southeastern Turkey, is all set to welcome OTM 2014 Middle East Textile Machinery Exhibition participants and visitors. Expressing interest in the exhibition, authorities from domestic and foreign companies have said that for the first time such an expansive exhibition is being organized in Gaziantep, Turkey after ITM exhibitions. Leading brands in the field are getting ready to participate and showcase their latest machineries at the OTM 2014 to be held from October 16 to 19, 2014.

Tüyap Tüm Fuarcilik and Teknik Fuarcilik, which organized the ITM Texpo Eurasia textile machinery exhibition of the world, have this time partnered for a new meeting in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia, a center of textile investments. OTM 2014 exhibition is organized with the partnership of Tüyap Tüm Fuarcılık and Teknik Fuarcılık and the collaboration of Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce.

Investments in textile have started to be made in cities such as Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa, Mardin, Malatya and Niğde besides Adana, Gaziantep, Kayseri and Kahra manmaraş which are the important textile cities of Turkey. Gaziantep, which is located in the center of this region, has ideal features to host the most important textile and ready to wear manufacturer firms of the world. Gaziantep is the most suitable city in the region to host local and international participants as it has become the economic and commercial center of the region.

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