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Cotton Inc. 2024 Lifestyle Monitor reveals consumer shift towards comfort and sustainability


Cotton Inc 2024 Lifestyle Monitor reveals consumer shift towards comfort

The recently released Cotton Incorporated 2024 Lifestyle Monitor underscores a growing consumer preference for comfortable, sustainable clothing choices. The findings highlight a dynamic shift in consumer attitudes and behaviors towardsa apparel purchasing, significantly impacting the textile and fashion industry.

Comfort, sustainability top reason popularity

The report indicates a marked increase in consumer prioritization of comfort when selecting clothing. A significant 85 per cent of respondents indicated comfort as a key factor influencing their apparel purchases. This trend is particularly evident among younger consumers, suggesting a generational shift in fashion preferences.

Additionally, the 2024 Lifestyle Monitor shows increasing consumer awareness and concern for environmental sustainability. Over 60 per cent respondents expressed a preference for clothing made from natural fibers, citing environmental impact as a primary reason. This growing eco-consciousness among consumers is further reflected in the report's findings on shopping habits, with nearly half of all consumers actively seeking information about the sustainability of their apparel choices.

"The results of our survey clearly show that sustainability is becoming a key factor in consumers' decision-making process," said Kim Kitchings, Senior Vice President of Consumer Marketing at Cotton Incorporated. “Brands that can effectively communicate their commitment to sustainable practices will likely gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace."

The survey also shed light on specific aspects of sustainability that are particularly important to consumers. For example, 65 per cent respondents expressed concern about the use of harmful chemicals in clothing production, while 55 per cent were worried about the amount of water used in the manufacturing process. When asked about preferred sustainable materials, cotton emerged as a top choice, with 70 per cent of consumers considering it to be a sustainable fiber. This preference for natural fibers over synthetic alternatives highlights the growing demand for eco-friendly materials.

These study’s findings point towards a future where consumer choices are increasingly driven by a desire for both personal well-being and environmental responsibility. This evolving landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for the textile and fashion industry, necessitating a greater focus on sustainable practices and the development of comfortable, eco-friendly clothing options.


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