Recently, the European Commission’s DG GROW invited representatives of the textile, fashion and creative industries to a workshop on the EU funding opportunities for the sector. More than a hundred participants attended the event with the aim to get a better understanding of practical ways to participate in the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) which drives the Investment Plan for Europe.
Director for Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing from DG GROW Sławomir Tokarski stated in his opening speech that the EFSI, operational since one year, has already landed about €50 billion in the European business. The EFSI supports investments in real economy - infrastructure, education, research and innovation, as well as risk finance for small businesses.
Industry representatives were invited to present projects to be submitted for the EU funding. The European silk industry, approached by EURATEX, unveiled its project ‘Towards European Sericulture’.
Emphasised, Philippe de Montgrand, President of AIUFFASS Silk Section, that silk industry in Europe has a long tradition combined with a strong capacity to innovate. About 200 silk producing SMEs are concentrated in Lombardy (Italy) and Rhône-Alpes (France) providing 20,000 direct jobs. Currently, raw silk supplies mainly depend on China and the EU fashion brands and silk manufacturers are concerned by the long term access to high quality raw silk and the risk of supply shortage.