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Euratex backs EU customs reform, targets De Minimisloophole


The European Textile and Clothing industry (Euratex) supports the EU’s proposed customs reforms, highlighting the necessity for an updated framework to tackle digital age challenges and promote fair competition.

Dirk Vantyghem, Euratex Director General, emphasized the crucial role of customs in ensuring fair competition and compliance with EU standards, highlighting the necessity for a modernized system that addresses the rise of e-commerce and the increasing complexity of regulations.

Central to Euratex's demands is the immediate abolition of the €150 import duty exemption for small consignments. The organization argues that this loophole has been exploited by e-commerce giants, undermining European manufacturers.

Additionally, Euratex seeks a harmonized customs regime across the EU, simplifying procedures and reducing bureaucracy, particularly for SMEs. Data security, transparency, and effective implementation of the Trust & Check Trader status are also key priorities.

The industry body emphasizes the importance of a robust EU Data Hub with clear regulations, and calls for close cooperation between policymakers and businesses in its development. Euratex also stresses the need for support for SMEs in obtaining Authorized Economic Operator statuses.

Finally, Euratex welcomes the establishment of the EU Customs Authority but insists on a strong dialogue with industry to ensure effective coordination.


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