Inspiron is an Indian manufacturer of hot air stenters.
The Motex 15000 is an improvement on the Motex 4560. The new model consumes less energy, has better safety features, minimises waste, while offering better operational efficiency and maximum return on investment.
As against the Motex 4560, the 15000 offers 15 per cent higher drying efficiency and higher operating speed. The stenter enables the processor to achieve even drying and heat setting at higher evaporation rates with optimum energy utilisation, which translates into lower operating cost per meter of fabric.
InspirOn has also recently unveiled a R&D center, which will undertake sustainable development projects to produce products of the best quality using innovative and user friendly technology.
Attached to the R&D center is an incubation center, which is equipped with a demo stenter for mills to undertake trials and test their ideas, while also validating them under actual working conditions, before venturing into commercial production.
The incubation center is equipped with a laboratory, library and conference cum training room and is manned by a team of process technologists and design professionals.
Set up in 1973 InspirOn has strong roots in manufacturing of stenter machines and spinning accessories like flyers and precision engineering components.