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India's ‘Kasturi Cotton’ takes centre stage at Yarn Expo Autumn 2024




With its highest exhibitor number in 10 years, India's participation at the Yarn Expo Autumn 2024 was marked by the launch of a new initiative aimed at showcasing the country's finest cotton fabrics to the global market. Under the brand name Kasturi, the Cotton Textile Promotions Council of India (TEXROCIL) presented a curated collection of high-quality cotton fabrics, setting a new standard for Indian textiles.

The name "Kasturi" is inspired by the musk deer, a creature known for its fragrant scent. Much like the deer is unaware of its own aroma, the TEXROCIL believes that India's premium cotton fabrics have often been overlooked amidst the vast quantities exported. The initiative seeks to bring these exceptional textiles to the forefront of the international textile industry. By introducing the Kasturi brand, the country has taken a proactive step towards establishing itself as a leading exporter of premium cotton fibre, yarns and fabrics.

Explaining the concept behind the brand name, Murali Balkrishna, Joint Director, TEXPROCIL said, “We think Indian cotton fabrics are of very high quality have always been present in the large volumes of the fibre that India exports and we have launched this initiative to bring more attention to it. And as the initiative gains momentum, it is expected to further enhance India's reputation as a reliable and innovative textile supplier in the global market.”

49 Indian textile brands, at the recent Intertextile Shanghai and Yarn Expo exhibition, showcased their Kasturi-labelled yarns and fabrics, demonstrating the initiative's impact. The response from buyers and industry experts was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the growing demand for sustainable and high-quality cotton products.

The Yarn Expo Autumn 2024 provided a significant platform for India to showcase its textile capabilities. Leading enterprises from across the country are showcasing, amongst other products, an extensive collection of traditional and eco-friendly cotton. The pavilion has Indo Industries, Padwa Worldwide, Texperts India, Niva Organics and other members exhibiting under the banner.


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