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Invista offers upgraded platform

Invista Performance Technologies (IPT), the PTA industry's most prolific licensor, has introduced an upgraded platform that offers licensees significant production efficiencies. While IPT's previous vintages of technology provided significant competitive advantage compared to alternatives, this new PTA platform drives customers’ variable and capital costs even lower. IPT's focus on process simplification, value engineering and layout optimization has resulted in a compact design that significantly improves the capital productivity.

Invista’s latest technology offering—called P8—delivers significant variable cost improvements through milder reactor conditions, improved energy integration and recovery. The process is a net electricity exporter with a reduced environmental footprint resulting from low energy and water usage and reduced waste generation.

Invista Performance Technologies has been licensing PTA and polyester technologies for more than 40 years, driving scale and variable cost reductions through innovations that deliver licensees a competitive advantage relative to other available technologies.

IPT’s rigorous technology design process includes fundamental research, modeling, process and safety engineering, functional and operational expertise, and critical vendor developments. This collective approach to design and technical services leverages the knowledge and expertise of IPT’s personnel to deliver unparalleled value to the market.

Invista is one of the world’s largest integrated producers of chemical intermediates, polymers and fibers.


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