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Leister develops seam welder for garmenting

For over 60 years, Leister has been the global market leader for welding thermoplastic polymers and hot-air modules for industrial process heat applications. Leister is working on a laser seam welder, especially for garment manufacturing, which can be used almost like a normal sewing machine.

The company is conducting a field study. The aim is to figure out if the end customer is satisfied with laser welded seams and to prove the skin friendliness and durability of laser seams. In the study, subjects wear laser welded sports bras when involved in physical activities such as playing handball, running and attending fitness classes. Participants prefer the comfort of laser welded apparel in comparison to sewn apparel.

Laser welding itself is a brand new technology not currently employed in the industrial production of garment manufacturing. Some of the potential benefits of laser textile welding include flat, elastic and skin-friendly seams. Through the use of laser welding it’s possible to achieve a seamless effect and the outside of the fabric is not harmed at all. Laser seams are smooth and gentle; therefore it is best for clothing that comes in direct contact with the skin as there is no irritation.


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