Punjab chief minister Parkash Singh Badal has announced immediate compensation of Rs 10 crores to cotton growers whose crops were extensively damaged by whitefly attack. This compensation is for those growers who have uprooted their crop because of the pest attack. During a meeting with the delegation of Bhartiya Kissan Union (Sidhupur), led by its President, Pishora Singh it was decided by the CM that this compensation would be given immediately. Officials of the revenue department informed Badal about the situation at the meeting. He was notified that out of 11,780 acres area ploughed back by the farmers, 5,000 acres are in Muktsar, 3,727 acres in Fazilka, 2,090 acres in Bathinda, 539 acres in Mansa, 398 acres in Faridkot and 26 acres in Barnala district.
Badal assured cotton growers that they would get proper compensation for the substantial loss incurred by them. The CM asked the revenue department to complete the entire 'Girdawari' (crop loss assessment) in the affected districts of the Malwa belt within next 10 days with reference to the damage caused to the standing cotton crops due to whitefly.