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Textile Today, NTG to jointly create skilled professionals

Textile Today- a comprehensive and international magazine for textile, apparel & fashion industry – and Northern Tosrifa Group (NTG)-a leading Bangladesh RMG manufacturer have signed an MoU to implement Textile Today’s FSD training program that aims to create skilled professionals in textile and apparel industry. Considered the first ever ‘Industry Orientation Program’ for textile professionals and students in Bangladesh, the FSD training program will involve training the participants by experienced industry experts to provide and share industry knowledge. The program will also train these executives to make them top quality experts of the textile industry.

The FSD training program offers five factory skills development certificates for 16 foundation training courses. Successful completion of certain foundation training courses will make the participants eligible for one FSD certificate. Two certificate winners will be declared as Yellow Belt FSD professionals in textiles, three certificate winners will be declared as Green Belt FSD professionals in textiles. And participants who will be able to complete 4 FSD certificates will be declared as Black Belt FSD professionals in textiles.



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