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UK funds anti-slavery project

The UK has pledged £40 million to aid more than 5,00,000 people around the world who have either survived modern slavery or are at risk of becoming victims. The support will address slavery and trafficking in countries with a high prevalence of these crimes in South Asia, and others such as Nigeria.

The aid package include funds to prevent trafficking and forced labor among women migrant workers from South Asia, which has the highest prevalence of forced labor globally. This will focus on victims of forced domestic work and garment manufacturing, providing skills training to women before they move to a nearby country for work, supporting women at their destination so they can access help if they are exploited, and working with governments to improve laws and policies to protect vulnerable people from becoming victims of this crime.

In addition, funding is included for support in Nigeria focused on creating credible alternative livelihoods in hospitality, creative industries, technology and agri-entrepreneurship, so people are not forced into a life of trafficking, providing better victim support and counseling, and increasing public awareness of the risks of trafficking. About 40 million people are estimated to be modern day slaves. Hundreds of thousands of people are at risk of exploitation.


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