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UK students struggle to afford sustainable sportswear amid rising cost of living


Students in UK are facing challenges in purchasing expensive activewear due to the rising cost of living. Finding sportswear that is both affordable and sustainable has become crucial but difficult.

One major hurdle is the tight budget many students face, making it challenging to find affordable and sustainable sportswear. On average, students in the UK spend £100 per year on activewear. Meanwhile, the cost of living in the country has seen a significant rise of 5.4% over the past year. With an average student debt of £1,200 and an overall increase in the cost of living by 6.2%, students are feeling the financial pressure.

However, choosing affordable activewear doesn't mean sacrificing sustainability. In fact, this approach contributes to sustainability efforts by extending the lifespan of clothing items. By opting for more budget-friendly shopping experiences, students can support brands that prioritize sustainable practices while still meeting their financial constraints.

Ultimately, striking a balance between affordability and sustainability is crucial for students struggling with the rising cost of living. With a range of brands offering reasonably priced activewear, students have the opportunity to find products that meet their needs without compromising on their financial well-being or environmental consciousness.


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