Jeanologia, the Spanish company leader in developing eco-efficient technology, will present the sourcing model of the future at ITMA 2019. This innovative production process marks the beginning of a new era in the textile industry.
This operational model delivers five fundamental benefits to the textile industry: it is eco-efficient, cost neutral, scalable, agile and digital; connecting design, production and consumer.
Combining the company’s hardware and software, it connects all its technology to achieve a production that is 100 per cent ecological without compromising product authenticity and adapting to the new market needs.
This new sourcing model developed at Jeanologia is completely eco-efficient as it has taken environmental impact into account throughout the product development. By being fully connected, it is possible to design and produce with zero environmental impact in any location in the world.
By simplifying processes, the model changes the way things are produced, making it easier to adjust supply and demand, revolutionizing production. It is cost neutral. For the same price you can get a better and more sustainable product, as well as recovering the investment.
Moving from an analogic to a digital model, creating a true revolution in the textile world. The connectivity makes it possible for all stages in the supply chain to work together using the same standards regardless of geographic location.