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Address delay in release of imported cotton by DG DPP, urges APTMA


The All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) has urged the prime minister to resolve a prolonged delay in the release of imported cotton by the Directorate General of the Department of Plant Protection (DG DPP) in Karachi. For the past three to four months, cotton imports from the US and Brazil have been stuck at the port, causing significant financial strain due to escalating demurrage charges, which now exceed Rs50 million.

Dispatched under valid import permits, the shipments faced unforeseen transit delays to arrive after the expiry of the permits. Release orders for these shipments have not been issued despite multiple appeals and commitments from the Ministry of National Food Security and Research (MNFSR), the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Interior, and other relevant authorities.

The ongoing blockage is severely disrupting the industry with the inaction persisting despite previous assurances from the MNFSR, argues APTMA. Similar cases have been resolved in the past by the DG DPP, who has the authority to grant release orders. The blockage is causing demurrage charges to escalate, threatening the textile sector’s ability to meet export targets and maintain global competitiveness.

The release orders for the shipments are being withheld due to the investigations by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), against the department, alleges APTMA. The DG DPP purportedly links the issuance of release orders to the resolution of these FIA cases, despite existing rules allowing for permit extensions. ShahidSattar, Executive Director, APTMA, condemns this as a misuse of authority, inflicting unjust punishment on the entire industry.

Sattaremphasises that swift action by the Prime Minister is crucial to alleviate the financial burden and prevent further harm to Pakistan’s economy and textile exports. APTMA remains hopeful in the prime minister's commitment to justice and a business-friendly environment in Pakistan.


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