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Adidas ties up with Bluesign for sustainability solutions

Sporting goods company Adidas has entered into a strategic partnership with Bluesign Technologies of Switzerland. The aim is to advance sustainable solutions in the global supply chain. All suppliers to the Adidas group will have access to the global databank Bluefinder, which contains information on sustainable textile chemicals and production processes. All manufactured materials must then undergo strict testing, where the adherence to Bluesign criteria is checked.

Additionally, the adidas group continues to monitor the chemical management of manufacturers. In 2013 the company carried out 149 environmental inspections at the factories of its suppliers. Bluesign Technologies provides independent auditing of textile mills, examining manufacturing processes from raw materials and energy inputs to water and air emissions outputs. Each component is assessed based on its eco-toxicological impact. Bluesign is an emerging standard for environmental health and safety in the manufacturing of textiles.

Bluesign ranks its audit findings in order of concern, and suggests ways to reduce consumption while recommending alternatives to harmful chemicals or processes where applicable. Eco-conscious consumers can feel confident purchasing clothing items with the Bluesign label since they are buying environment-friendly products. Bluesign has gained serious traction in the last few years among some of the leading brands in the outdoor clothing and gear business.


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