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AEPC launches SLCP operations in Haryana

"Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC), in association with the Social and Labour Convergence Program (SLCP), organised a workshop to announce the launch of SLCP operations in Gurugram, Haryana on June 7, 2019. "


Tirupur launches SLCP auditApparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC), in association with the Social and Labour Convergence Program (SLCP), organised a workshop to announce the launch of SLCP operations in Gurugram, Haryana on June 7, 2019.

SLCP uses a multi-stakeholder and inclusive organization and approach. Signatories include manufacturers,Tirupur launches SLCP audit program The converged assessment framework of SCLP provides a data set with no value judgment or scoring. It is compatible with existing audit systems and codes of conduct, and can be used by a wide-range of stakeholders & interpreted according to their interests and criteria. This eliminates the need for repetitive audits to be carried out on the same facility.

The 190+ SLCP signatories are now preparing for wide-scale adoption across apparel and footwear supply chains. Towards the India launch, SLCP held one-day seminars in Bangalore, Tirupur, Mumbai & NCR to introduce facilities and their business partners to the SLCP process.

HKL Magu, Chairman, AEPC believes this programme will encourage sustainable and innovative management systems which ensure holistic growth of all the stake holders.

Sharon Hesp, Sr. Manager, SLCP, Dr. S Sunanda, SG CITI, Reema Agrawal, Sr. Program Manager, GAP Inc and Balaso Malagave, Sr. Manager, Intertek also attended the workshop.


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