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Africa seeks AGOA extension beyond 2025


Multiple African nations are actively pursuing an extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) beyond its current expiration in 2025. Enacted in 2000 to promote increased trade and investment between the US and sub-Saharan Africa, AGOA has proven instrumental in enhancing trade and investment relationships between the US and several African countries, as highlighted by David Luke, an expert in African trade policy and negotiation.

Notably, countries such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Lesotho, Ghana, and Madagascar have experienced a substantial increase in textile and apparel exports under AGOA. For example, Kenya has witnessed a remarkable surge in AGOA-related apparel sales, rising from $55 million in 2001 to $603 million in 2022, constituting 67.6 percent of the country's total exports to the US.

Similarly, Ghana's exports to the US have grown from $206 million in 2000 to $2.76 billion in 2022, with 26 percent of this trade falling under AGOA. Ethiopia, too, has seen notable growth, with exports to the US increasing from $29 million to $525 million in 2020. Of this total, 45.3 percent falls under AGOA. The country's textile and garment exports have shown steady growth, reaching 69 percent from 2014 to 2023.



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