American & Efird, (A&E), a leading textile manufacturer from the US has released its latest sustainability report. The report stated there has been a significant progress in areas of water use, energy and waste management and reduction.
The company mentioned that in 2014, it produced 1.1 million kg of thread using recycled water from the industry's first zero liquid discharge system in the Perundurai, India dyehouse. To benchmark its environmental performance, A&E also uses the Higg Index of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition.
While adhering to American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) standards, A&E strictly follows the guidelines stated by AAFA. To create its 2014-2015 Sustainability Report, A&E evaluated all of its global yarn spinning and dyeing and finishing facilities. The report also mentioned categories that were measured: global carbon footprint, water conservation, energy conservation, and recycling and waste reduction.
John Eapen, VP, environmental, health & safety/sustainability, A&E believes that sustainability and corporate social responsibility are the way forward and corporations should be committed to these initiatives. This would help in not just the success and survival of companies but also future generations.