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West African cotton output is forecast to jump over 19 per cent for the 2014-15 season. The reason: high government-fixed prices have attracted growers back to the sector. Before a market crash in the early 2000s, the seven top cotton-producing countries in the region had accounted for about 15 per cent of the world’s cotton exports.

They are now ramping up output again, already showing a rise of 7 per cent in 2013-14 from the season before as a rebound in world prices in recent years has allowed governments to increase what they pay farmers. Harvesting in most of the region is expected to start next month before picking up from December. Harvest has been early this year because farmers planted a lot in May. So some cotton was ready by September.

Ivory Coast, Benin and Senegal are all predicting production increases for 2014-15. Togo is forecasting a jump of over 54 per cent. In Cameroon, 2013-14 output rose nearly 7 per cent on the back of favorable weather. That figure would have been higher, but a significant portion of the crop was lost due to smuggling to neighboring Nigeria.

Burkina Faso, the regional leader, is targeting an output of 8,00,000 tonnes in 2014-15, up 23 per cent from the recently ended season.

On October 29, 2014, the Global Denim Awards 2014 will debut coinciding with the Amsterdam edition of the Kingpins Show, which takes place on October 29, and 30, 2014. Six emerging international designers were selected and each one was paired with six international denim mills. Each of the designers visited their designated mill to develop an in-depth understanding of fiber, fabric, washes and denim development. Further, each designer developed a capsule collection of five looks, including treatments and washes, which will be presented on the runway on October 29 during the show. The six mills involved are Candiani Denim, Royo Textile, ITV Denim, Bossa, Orta Anadolu and Prosperity Textile.

The collections will be judged by a panel of international denim experts based on the merits of design and the innovative nature of the denim fabrications. The winning designer will be awarded €10,000 and have his or her winning designs displayed at the Kingpins shows in Amsterdam, New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and at the Amsterdam Denim Days 2015.

The concept for the Global Denim Awards was developed by HTNK, the Amsterdam-based fashion recruitment and consultancy firm, in collaboration with the Kingpins Show. The initiative was sponsored and made possible by e3, a Bayer CropScience’s environmentally responsible certified cotton fiber.

The Kingpins Show is an invitation-only, boutique denim sourcing show featuring a highly-edited selection of vendors that include denim and sportswear fabric mills from the US, Japan, China, India, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Thailand, Spain and Mexico, wash houses, full package manufacturers, trim providers and business solutions. Kingpins launched in 2004, organises biannual shows in New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and Amsterdam.

French company Lectra, a world leader in integrated technology solutions that automate, streamline and accelerate product design, development and manufacturing processes for industries using soft materials, has won the coveted ‘International Company of the Year Award’. Lectra is transnational company with 32 subsidiaries abroad and more than 1,400 employees representing 50 different nationalities. The company serves customers in more than 100 countries and achieves 92 per cent of its revenues overseas

The company’s strength lies in the composition of its local teams. Apart from some very rare exceptions, its subsidiary managing directors are local hires. This allows the brand to create a real proximity with its customers and therefore a full understanding of their operational needs.

Lectra now attracts an increasing number of customers from high-growth markets such as China, Brazil, South Korea and United States. Over the years, it has gained market share and today holds very strong position with renowned customers in all its business sectors. In the fashion market, for example, Lectra serves almost 100 per cent of luxury brands. 

Lectra develops the most advanced specialized software and cutting systems and provides associated services to a broad array of markets including fashion, apparel, accessories, footwear, car seats and interiors, airbags, furniture as well as a wide variety of other market sectors.

Pakistan is yet to announce its new textile policy. The new policy will be effective from July 1, focusing on value-addition. It has been delayed despite the fact that Pakistan’s textile exports showed negative growth during the first quarter of the current year.

The textile policy carries measures to increase the country’s textile exports to $26 billion by 2019. There are some infrastructure projects, like the establishment of garment-weaving cities, a ginning institute etc. under the proposed textile policy as well. A major part of the proposed textile policy was announced in the budget 2014-15 by giving cash incentives to textile and clothing exporters.

During July to August 2014-15 textile exports decreased by five per cent, as against the corresponding period of the previous fiscal. Yarn and cloth categories were the major losers in which exports decreased by 26 per cent and 13 per cent respectively.

The readymade garment sector had a slight reduction of two per cent. The decrease in textile exports also made a negative impact on cotton prices. After the grant of GSP Plus, instead of increasing, textile exports have showed a declining trend although it was expected that textile exports would increase by at least a billion dollars during 2014.

Germany has launched a new Textiles Alliance. The goal is to help move international textile supply chain towards better labor and environmental practices. Improvements are sought at every link in the supply chain -- from cotton fields to the dyeing, clothing production process to distribution and retail.

In particular the Textiles Alliance seeks decent wages, an end to forced labor and child labor, respect for safety standards, and a stop to the use of certain particularly environmentally toxic chemicals in the textile supply chain.

Cotton is grown on about 2.5 per cent of global farmland, but uses a disproportionate amount of dangerous herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. Membership in the alliance is voluntary. About 30 textile companies and associations have joined Textiles Alliance but many key industry players and associations in Germany are not interested. They say that certain chemical substances can’t be replaced and that a gap-free monitoring of all production steps from cotton fields to the retail-store clothes-hanger is unrealistic.

In their view a strategy of trying to address the problem through purely voluntary industry participation, focused only on the German market, will fail. Instead they advocate a European Union-scale approach based on social and environmental regulations covering all textile imports.


Bangladesh is organizing a denim expo from November 11 to 12. The aim is to promote the country's brands in the global market and make Bangladesh a one-stop sourcing platform for denim.

The non-profit initiative would create a platform for Bangladeshi denim makers. Organizers are expecting good participation from apparel entrepreneurs and other industry stakeholders from the US, Europe and several Asian countries. Bangladesh is currently the second largest country which exports denim to Europe and the third largest in exports to the US.

At present, there are 25 denim fabric manufacturers in Bangladesh, who meet about 40 per cent of the domestic demand and the remaining 60 per cent is imported. Bangladesh earns around $600 million per annum from denim exports to the global market. Bangladesh is the second largest denim apparel maker in the world after China. It exported about 74 million pieces of denim apparel to the US in 2013 and around 140 million to Europe. The country was also the largest exporter of men’s jeans to Europe in 2013 with 89 million pieces compared to 65 million from China.

Denim apparel exports from Bangladesh to America surged 11.48 per cent year-on-year in 2013 and to the EU by over 19.65 per cent.

The Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show (TITAS) is being held in Taiwan, October 15 to 17. A total of 367 textile manufacturers from 11 countries put up 760 booths to exhibit their latest offerings at the show.

The exhibition features functional textiles for apparel, upholstery and industrial use. It also exhibits a variety of recycled and sustainable textiles with low carbon footprints, as well as fashion textile trends for the upcoming seasons. The show provides global buyers new strategies for sourcing textiles in Asia. It offers exhibitors a tight focus on innovation and technology plus timing harmonized with other shows in the region. TITAS focuses on middle and upstream yarn and fabric products, emphasizing on high value added functional textiles and evoking fashion trends.

TITAS is organized by the Taiwan Textile Federation. The Federation has acquired ISO-9001 certification from the British Standards Institution for quality control systems, thus substantiating its competence to provide the best services for Taiwan’s textile industry. Local textile companies’ net exports last year were 25 per cent of the nation’s total net exports. Eight in every 10 yoga garments sold in the US use fabrics from Taiwan.

However in the first nine months of the year, exports of the nation's textile and apparel industry were down 0.1 per cent from the same period last year.

Invista, owner of the Lycra fiber brand and one of the world's largest integrated producers of fibers and polymers has launched its new campaign. This visually exciting initiative and associated co-branding and merchandising opportunities are now available to trade partners at its new business-to-business website.

The new consumer campaign is the outcome of a two-year, multi-market research program. Its ‘Lycra Moves You’ theme reinforces its association with comfort and personal freedom across a wide range of garments. The campaign created and produced by the Sapient Nitro agency includes dynamic visuals shot by internationally acclaimed photographer Rankin, who likens the freedom and energy his models depict to the unique characteristics of Lycra fiber, as well as stylish TV and digital channel commercial from award-winning film director Philippe André.

The added value and benefits of Lycra fiber will be signaled to consumers through new hang-tags and brand imagery. The iconic brand logo is supported by vibrant, versatile new imagery and designs in a range of stylish retail merchandising and advertising materials articulated through the campaign. From this month onward, consumer communications will take the form of a collection of TV and online commercials, a distinctive new print campaign, a major digital and social platform, as well as new merchandising initiatives at point of sale.

Lenzing has come up with Tencel Biosoft, a fiber for nonwovens and aimed at the wipes and personal hygiene markets. The fiber can be used in a variety of blends which tailor the absorbency and cleaning performance to suit a number of different functions from full oil absorbency through to specific lotion management. In top sheets of hygiene products, excellent liquid strike through times and wet back properties ensure a comfortable dry feeling to the skin.

Tencel Biosoft is ideal for incontinence products. It meets the performance of commercially available synthetic products and adds a botanic value as Lenzing’s cellulose fibers are made from renewable raw material wood sourced from responsibly managed forests.

Tests have shown that when using the Tencel Biosoft product the likelihood of sleeping through the night rose quite clearly (by approximately 10 per cent) for those participating since this product needed to be changed less frequently due to the additional wear comfort. The product is the first hydrophobic and home-compostable fiber leading to unique benefits for wipes and hygiene applications.

The study will be presented at the upcoming Insight Conference from October 20 to 23 in Indianapolis and at Outlook Asia from November 26 to 27 in Singapore.

Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) in a recent letter to the ministry of commerce (MoC) requested the government to allocate closed and loss-making state-owned enterprises (SoEs) to relocate their factories by creating small-sized apparel zones. The industry body seeks the SoEs located near the Dhaka-Chittagong Highway for the purpose.

The idea is to move the apparel making factories to safer areas quickly. Since SoEs have gas and electricity connections, the factories can begin their apparel production immediately after relocation of units. In the letter the BGMEA mentioned that many of the apparel factories have been partly or fully closed because of the ongoing inspection carried out by different local and foreign agencies to check compliance factors.

The BGMEA chief also said in the letter that presently around 40 per cent factories are housed in shared buildings, where around 1.5 million workers are employed. Many of these have ability to ensure common safety standards, structural and electricity safety and other safety measures. However, risk-prone ones need immediate attention.

Till September 30, the inspection teams of Alliance, Accord, and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) closed down 29 factories after assessing 2,061 units. The trio is assigned the duty of assessing fire, electricity and structural safety of 3,500 garment factories by this December.  The safety assessment is being carried out as part of the action plan forwarded by the United States and the European Union after last year's deadly Rana Plaza collapse, which claimed 1,137 lives and injured many garment workers.

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