"Organised from February 11 to 14, 2019 at Le Bourget, Paris The Fairyland for Fashion recorded a new high in number of visitors, with a 2.35 per cent increase over February 2018. A total of 13,929 visitors attended this event."
True to its concept for pioneering technical and technological solutions, the 8th session of Avantex Paris, part of The Fairyland for Fashion, Paris, presented innovative services and processes for every branch of fashion. French companies attracted prime contracts. Start-up Gorfoo, received a lot of requests for a material with the same characteristics as leather but made from hemp. Fashiontech, in association with the 3D printing firm Quatrecarré, filled its stand with applications for materials and clothing. Their printing based on oyster shells caused a sensation. Zero Waste Design’s concept, illustrated by the creative work of designers from all over the world, caught the attention of many fashion labels.
Focus on sustainable systems
There was an interesting collective demonstration at the stand for Sustainable French Savoir-faire, jointly created by CETI / ESMOD / TECHTERA. Recycling was highlighted by the European Centre for Innovative Textiles which displayed new fibres produced by recycling, and the ESMOD school with the outfit by Lorena Mazo-French, which was from a material made from wrappings for savoury biscuits and chocolate bars.
In the Avanprint section, Italian printing firm MS Printing Solutions set up an inkjet printer that operates without water by restricting the quantity of ink used.
Positive response to discussions, debates
Numerous round-table debates and presentations were held over the four days. The Avantex agora stood out with its high-calibre presenters and animated discussions.
The topics focused on environment and environmentally correct practices.
These got a positive reaction from the audience as did the talks on market outlook and the retail sector. Catwalk shows were held by Zero Waste Fashion Designers and by Design & Research in Fashion Technology.
The Fairyland for Fashion, Paris
Organised from February 11 to 14, 2019 at Le Bourget, Paris The Fairyland for Fashion recorded a new high in number of visitors, with a 2.35 per cent increase over February 2018. A total of 13,929 visitors attended this event.
The rise in visitor numbers was seen from top five countries of the American continent -- Brazil, USA, Colombia and Mexico. Asia too demonstrated an overall 14 per cent growth in attendance with India constituting 13 per cent of visitors, South Korea 6 per cent and Israel 4 per cent. The number of Japanese visitors grew by 30 per cent after a decline in visitors after the tragic events of 2016. There was a growth in the number of Chinese buyers as well.