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AWI not to start or own Wool Exchange Portal

Wool grower believe AWI should not start nor own the Wool Exchange Portal, this proposed Wool Exchange Portal has created good discussion in the industry on the important topic of cost of wool selling in Australia.

The reason being the government-backed, compulsory levy funded, non-commercial AWI model should have no role in Australian wool supply, AWI has no history or track record of commercial success. It is not a commercial organization and lastly starting wool industry bodies is the easiest thing to do. Killing them off is the hardest thing; which we have done several times, but they usually morph back into something similar. If the WEP has commercial merit, then AWI should hand the research and concept over to commercial parties. There may be a place for royalties or an income stream for the intellectual property if successful. But having AWI ownership and AWI directors sit on the board of the new WEP — here we go again.

Leading wool industry analyst Mercardo stated that the WEP projected industry benefit is “small beer” at about 1 percent of the selling costs from wool store to mill, or 0.1pc of the average bale value of wool sold during the past three years. Also alarming is the concept that all growers will pay for the AWI WEP, whether they use it or not. Growers who sell wool direct will have higher costs, which is simply wrong.

The wool industry must not be misled by meaningless jargon If AWI is to add value to the modern Australian wool industry it needs to be updated also if AWI was a commercial body, then it has every right to be involved in wool supply and it could start all the digital platforms it needs.

Talking about the Australian wool industry currently, there has been an attrition within the Australian wool industry, taxes and for acompetitive commercial environment statutory intervention must be removed. Wool industry is a safe sector in which again to invest capital, energy and intellectual propertythis has been decided by the entrepreneurs, corporate players and leaders.


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