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China’s knitted fabrics exports decline by 6.1% in 2023


In 2023, China’s exports of knitted or crocheted fabrics declined by 6.1 per cent to 2.4 million tons. In value terms, knitted fabricsexports by the country contracted to $12.9 billion during the year

From 2013-23, 5he total value of China’s knitted fabrics exports grew at an average annual rate of 4.2 per cent, with fluctuations noted throughout the period. The highest growth of 35 per cent totaling $14.9 billion was recorded in 2022

Brazil was the primary destination for China’s knitted fabric exports, receiving 355,000 tons and accounting for 15 per cent of total exports. This was followed by Argentina and Turkey, with exports of 159,000 tons and 158,000 tons of knitted fabrics respectively. China’s knitted fabrics exports to Brazil grew at an average annual rate of 14.7 per cent while those to Argentina increased by 20.5 per cent, and exports to Turkey expanded by 15.2 per cent.

In value terms, Egypt, Mexico, and Brazil emergedas the largest markets, collectively accounting for 31 per cent of total exports. Egypt experienced the highest growth rate in export value at 36.7 per cent, while Mexico and Brazil saw more modest growth.

The average export price of knitted fabric declined by 7.7 per cent to $5, 325 in 2023 from the previous year. Prices varied significantly among major markets, with Mexico at $12,183 per ton and Guatemala at $2,376 per ton.


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