Coats and UK-based GSD (General Sewing Data) have entered a strategic alliance. GSD, supplies expert management solutions that analyse time, cost and production capability in the sewn products sector with a focus on maximising productivity and controlling costs. Coats is the world’s leading industrial thread and consumer textile crafts business. One in five garments on the planet is held together using Coats’ thread. Coats produces enough yarn to knit 70 million scarves a year. It is the second largest and fastest growing global zip manufacturer.
Coats and GSD will collaborate on offering their respective management solutions to maximise productivity and drive down costs in the manufacturing sector, with GSD providing time-cost benchmarking and Coats offering consulting and technical production expertise, for retailers, brands and their supply chain vendors.
A key element in this process will be to analyse working methods and manufacturing procedures, including machinery and associated equipment requirements, to provide internationally accepted and globally recognised GSD based Standard Minute Values (SMV). The SMV is invaluable to brands and manufacturers worldwide as it facilitates fact based decisions on multiple aspects of production, including unit cost, production targets, operator performance, factory efficiency, wage levels, location and ethical sourcing, as well as identifying thread demand and highlighting potential improvements in productivity.,