The National Cotton Council’s 39th Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey says, US cotton cultivation is likely to drop 5.5 per cent to 13.0 million cotton acres this spring. Upland cotton intentions are likely to fall by 5.6 per cent to 12.8 million acres while extra-long staple (ELS) intentions will decline by 2.7 per cent to of 224,000 acre.
Aimed at 13.8 percent for the United States, Cotton Belt harvested area totals 11.2 million acres. Using an average US yield per harvested acre of 848 pounds generates a cotton crop of 19.8 million bales, with 19.1 million upland bales and 675,000 ELS bales.
The NCC questionnaire was mailed in mid-December 2019 to producers across the 17-state Cotton Belt. It asked producers for the number of acres devoted to cotton and other crops in 2019 and the acres planned for the coming season.