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Denim by Premiere Vision at Barcelona a huge success

Denim by Premiere Vision held at Barcelona on May 22 and 23, 2014, welcomed 4,479 visitors, a 45 per cent increase compared to May 2013. Similarly there were more exhibitors, weavers, manufacturers, launderers and finishing companies, accessory makers as well as machine builders, fiber producers and spinning companies, along with technology developers.

Buyers and creative staff from jeans brands, stylists, and denim and fashion luxury labels participated in the show. About 72 per cent of visitors were foreign audience and all of them promised to return next season. European attendance increased distinctly. With 70 per cent of visitors, Europe remained the most represented region at the show. German visitors marked a remarkable increase closely followed by Italian and Spanish visitors.  There was a significant interest from Northern European countries and Scandinavia.

A remarkable North American attendance was registered with an exceptional augmentation of 33 per cent visitors from this area. First of all, the United States registered an increase of 24 per cent but also Canada doubled its number of visitors over the last year. 

Countries from the Middle East and North Africa were well represented. The most important presence was registered by Turkey. The next edition of Denim by PV is scheduled to take place at Barcelona again November 19 to 20, 2014.


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