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Fashion Sustainability Leap: New chemical index donated to ZDHC


In a significant stride towards sustainability, bluesign and the Sustainable Chemistry for Textile Industry (SCTI) have donated the innovative Sustainable Chemistry Index (SCI) Methodology to the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Foundation. This collaboration aims to transform chemical management across the textile, leather, and fashion industries by providing a unified, transparent framework to address environmental impacts comprehensively.

The fashion industry has long grappled with the use of hazardous chemicals, hindered by inconsistent regulations and overlapping standards. Despite various efforts, a lack of coordinated action and transparency has stymied progress, leaving consumers uninformed about the environmental impact of their purchases.

Leading the charge for change, SCTI, a consortium of pioneering chemical manufacturers, and bluesign, a sustainability solutions provider, have developed the SCI to streamline and enhance chemical assessments. The SCI offers a holistic approach to evaluating the environmental impact of chemicals throughout a garment's lifecycle, from responsible sourcing to end-of-life considerations.

The SCI introduces key metrics such as supply chain transparency, reduced fossil dependency, product carbon footprint, and resource efficiency. This comprehensive framework allows the industry to better assess and promote circularity and sustainability in chemical use.

By donating the SCI to ZDHC, SCTI and bluesign aim to foster industry-wide collaboration. The SCI will become the cornerstone of ZDHC's Chemicals to Zero (CTZ-A) program, elevating sustainable chemistry standards. In 2024, ZDHC will integrate SCI content through stakeholder engagement, enhancing its Roadmap to Zero Program and making the SCI publicly available for widespread adoption.

Industry leaders commend this initiative. Wolfgang Schumann, SCTI Chairman, highlights the convergence of isolated approaches, while Isabella Tonaco, SCTI Executive Director, emphasizes the power of collective action. ZDHC CEO Frank Michel underscores the transformative potential of integrating SCI into the ZDHC Framework, showcasing thought leadership and driving positive change in sustainable chemistry.

This collaboration empowers manufacturers and brands to make informed, responsible chemical choices, committing to a sustainable future for the textile industry.


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