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Fashionology summit to be held in Dhaka in February

Industry experts on apparel technology, innovation and automation from around the world will congregate at Bangladesh Fashionology summit to be held in Dhaka on February 12, 2018. Nearly 17 industry specialists from 10 countries worldwide are participating in the first ever fashion and tech summit to discuss latest apparel products and technology that will spearhead future innovation.

The summit will focus on issues such as ‘factory of the future’, ‘virtual reality and digitalization of supply chain’, ‘fashion tech and sustainable innovation’, and ‘mass customization and on demand manufacturing’. Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) — the organiser of the summit — is also going to arrange the first ever ‘digital tech fashion show’ during the event where some of the most creative and innovative fashion design with digital and tech ideas from around the world will be displayed.

The BAE is going to demonstrate operation of Cobots (Collaborative Robots), who can work along with human to achieve better efficiency even during this fashion and tech summit. The founder and CEO of BAE, Mostafiz Uddin says by organising the Bangladesh Fashionology summit they endeavour to bridge the gap between the present and future of Bangladesh apparel and textile industry through technology, innovation and knowledge sharing. “We are bringing together under one roof the most inspiring and innovative thinkers from across the globe to initiate the much-needed conversations around technology, digitalization and innovation in the apparel and fashion industry,” he added.

Leading scholars from across the world will share their expertise, including Jonathan Zornow who invented Sewbo, the robot to sewing a garment; Pradeep David, General Manager of Universal Robots South Asia who is the pioneer of the concept of Cobots and Vikas Raykar, the research scientist and expert on Cognitive Fashion at IBM Watson.


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