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Global textile sourcing solution Sourceryemphasises on fair data collection


In its latest report on the ‘Know Your Grower’ initiative in India and Pakistan, global textile sourcing solution Sourcery has emphasisedon the need for more precise, reliable, and fair data collection within the textile supply chain.

RuchitaChhabra, Grower Engagement Director, Sourcery, says, the company can achieve greater visibility by moving beyond inaccurate GPS data and utilising digital polygon mapping.

The company aims to empower growers to independently share data. Beneficial to both growers and manufacturers, the company aims to incentivise data sharing, especially in terms of financial rewards. It aims to create a future to empower every participant in the cotton supply chain through collaboration.

Sourcery gathers primary data on a commercial scale in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Rajasthan, as well as the Punjab province in Pakistan. The organisation combines commercial investment with grower incentives and engagement to improve industry standards.


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