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H&M, ILO to promote sustainable textile chains

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) and Hennes &Mauritz (H&M), the international Swedish clothier, entered a partnership to promote sustainable global supply chains in the garment industry. The agreement will include joint work on industrial relations and wages, training and skills development in factories, H&M is sourcing from and the strengthening of employers’ and workers’ organisations in the global garment industry.


The partnership between ILO and H&M goes back back to 2001, when H&M joined the ILO Better Factories Program in Cambodia. In 2013, the cooperation was expanded to specifically address industrial relations and wages in the country, including actions at the governance level. Another important collaboration began in 2013 with a training and skills development project in Bangladesh. The project aims to improve the quality of work and productivity in factories, and to enable workers to document and have their skills formally recognised.


The partnership is intended to establish a positive and innovative model for other brands and crate a global alliance to promote the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda in the supply chain of the global garment industry.


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