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HeiQViroblockbags Swiss Technology Award 2020


HeiQViroblock has been awarded with the coveted Swiss Technology Award 2020. Developed in record time, HeiQViroblock is being unprecedently adopted by mills around the world. Seen as one of the world’s most efficient and effective antiviral/antimicrobial technologies, it has been applied by more than 150 brands worldwide and to over 1 billion products from face masks and apparel, to home textiles, mattresses and curtains.

What exemplifies the technology is its ability to make fabric antiviral and its effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). HeiQViroblock consists of a combination of HeiQ’s patent-pending vesicle and silver technologies. The two mechanisms of attack result in an over 99.9% destruction of viruses in 5 minutes, which HeiQ says is unrivalled in the industry.

HeiQViroblock is a unique patent-pending formulation of 72 per cent bio-based ingredients, made with 100 per cent cosmetic-grade materials from the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients list. The silver technology was developed at ETHZ (EidgenössischeTechnischeHochschule Zürich), the vesicle technology at EPFL (Écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne), and the production was scaled up at FHNW (FachhochschuleNordwestschweiz).


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