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Home Textile Exports: A revival story across India, Pakistan & Bangladesh


Home Textile Exports A revival story across India Pakistan Bangladesh

The home textile industry, once a bright spot in global exports, faced a slump for over a year. However, there are signs of revival, and three South Asian countries – India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh – are vying for lead in this resurgent market.

Growth Champions: Bangladesh takes the lead

While all three countries experienced a decline in 2022-23, Bangladesh stands out for its export growth. Pakistan saw a modest increase of 2.17 per cent in 2022 reaching $5.64 billion, while India's exports dipped by 9.88 per cent. Notably, Bangladesh's exports rebound the fastest, with a 9.9 per cent YoY increase in February 2024 compared to the previous year. This can be attributed to several factors, including:

Cost-competitiveness: Bangladesh boasts lower labor costs compared to India and Pakistan, making them attractive to budget-conscious buyers.

Government support: The Bangladeshi government actively promotes the textile industry through various incentives and schemes.

Focus on diversification: Bangladesh is actively expanding its product portfolio beyond basic items, catering to a wider range of consumer preferences.

Shifting market dynamics

The Russia-Ukraine war significantly impacted traditional strongholds like the EU and US. However, other markets are emerging as bright spots.

US, despite the overall decline, the US remains a significant market for all three countries. However, growth rate might be slower compared to other regions. Southeast Asia and the Middle East are presenting promising opportunities due to their growing disposable incomes and rising demand for home goods.

Product prowess

There is strong competition between these three countries but each has its strength in terms of products.

India excels in premium bed linen due to its expertise in fine cotton and intricate craftsmanship. While Pakistan is a leader in furnishing & upholstery segment, known for its high-quality fabrics and diverse designs. Both Pakistan and Bangladesh are strong contenders in towels, offering a range of options at competitive prices. As for other articles Bangladesh is making strides in diversifying its offerings, including kitchen textiles and bathroom essentials.

An optimistic yet cautious future

The global home textile market is expected to rebound in coming years. Factors like rising disposable incomes and increasing urbanization in developing countries will drive demand. However, certain key factors will remain top focus.

Sustainability: Eco-friendly and ethically sourced products will gain traction, which could benefit Bangladesh with its initiatives in this area.

Innovation &design: Continuous product innovation and trendy designs will be crucial for staying ahead in the competitive landscape.

Technological advancements: Embracing automation and digital tools can enhance efficiency and productivity for all three countries.

Indeed, the home textile industry revival bodes well for India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. By capitalizing on their strengths, adapting to market trends, and focusing on innovation, these countries can solidify their positions as leading global players in the years to come.


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