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Hong Kong investors see huge potential in Vietnam

Hong Kong is investing in Vietnam’s apparel and textile industry. Hong Kong has been exploring investment opportunities in Asean countries and sees huge potential in Vietnam. This comes in the wake of huge opportunities created by the recent trade agreements signed by the nations. Agreements like the Asean-Hong Kong Investment Agreement and the Asean-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement are expected to help both nations access the market in addition to creating ample business opportunities.

Firms from Hong Kong will invest significantly in the production of materials for the garment and textile sector in Vietnam. Esquel, the four-decade-old Hong Kong based company, has been building plants in Vietnam since 2011.

Free trade agreements are expected to help boost the flow of Hong Kong’s investment capital into Vietnam not only in production projects but also in infrastructure, high technology, financial services.

Hong Kong businesses plan to visit some industrial parks in Vietnam. The two sides will jointly evaluate the possibility of production cooperation and investment expansion through research, exploration and market shaping. In infrastructure projects and the production of high-tech products, Hong Kong businesses will explore opportunities for business and investment cooperation. One area of cooperation is warehousing and transportation since Hong Kong is an international shipping and logistics center.


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