India has long been a creator and manufacturer of high fashion for Western designers and brands such as Dries van Noten and Christian Louboutin. Now, the country’s homegrown talent is hitting the global stage and will be on show in Hong Kong during the first edition of ICE (Indian Couture Experience) on March 18. The one-day event was conceived and is being curated by Ankita Sareen Batra, a former model and managing partner of Delhi-based creative agency Green Room Creative. ICE, which will be held at a showroom in Kennedy Town, will feature a range of labels, from bridal and ready-to-wear designers to accessories brands – a mix of high-profile names favoured by Bollywood actresses to rising stars in the fashion world. Headliners at the event include designer Nikhil Thampi – a favourite of stars such as Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra – who is known for his glamorous red-carpet gowns, body-conscious dresses and chic jumpsuits.