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Innovative technology enabled DNA tracking launched

A new DNA-based technology has been developed that can help a company identify the textile raw material as well as finished products. SigNature T is a DNA-based security platform. Fibers, yarn, fabric, garments and labels can be marked with unique, secure and enduring SigNature DNA that can be definitively authenticated at any point in the supply chain.

The new binding and extraction technique enables a cost-effective, flexible and robust anti-counterfeiting and anti-diversion protection for textiles and apparel including military protective wear. Manufacturers armed with SigNature T markers will have a flexible, forensic, impenetrable product authentication tool, protecting textiles from fiber to hanger. High quality fibers, including merino wool, Extra Long Staple cotton, cashmere, silk, and even high performance polyester fibers, can be marked at the original point of manufacture, prior to baling. The SigNature T DNA application requires no change to the existing production process, and can be controlled so that each bale or batch can be marked and tracked throughout the supply chain.

Hundreds of millions of kilograms of fiber can be marked using a single DNA marker, offering strong adhesion to the fiber, and providing a means to authenticate anywhere along the supply chain from fiber to the finished product; from distributor to retailer to consumer.


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