"Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles attracts leading local and international brands. The last edition held in August 2018 featured leading fabric brands such as Enzo Degli Angiuoni Spa from Italy, Jab Anstoetz from Germany and Prestigious Textiles from the UK, domestic big names such as Beijing Yada and Beijing Euroart together with whole-home exhibitors like Coomo Living, Mirtos, Murray, Casaido and Lezai. This year’s show will showcase a wide range of home textile items that match consumers’ high expectations."
The Chinese textile industry is being driven by ‘consumption upgrade’ and diversified market demand. With over 1,000 exhibitors and around 40,000 visitors under the same roof, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles capitalises on the unprecedented growth of the Chinese middle and upper classes. The show, to be held from August 28 to 31, 2019, presents more quality suppliers, contract business exhibitors and finished products for visitors. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn edition will be organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) ; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).
Wide range to meet consumer expectations
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles attracts leading local and international brands. The last edition held in August 2018 featured leading fabric brands such as Enzo Degli Angiuoni Spa from Italy, Jab Anstoetz from Germany and Prestigious Textiles from the UK, domestic big names such as Beijing Yada and Beijing Euroart together with whole-home exhibitors like Coomo Living, Mirtos, Murray, Casaido and Lezai. This year’s show will showcase a wide range of home textile items that match consumers’ high expectations.
Increased emphasis on contract business
The 2018 edition of Intertextile Shanghai focused on contract business with around 16 per cent of visitors reporting interest in the contract business products. This year too these exhibitors will be highlighted to facilitate buyers’ sourcing process. There will also be a diverse range of events including a forum and display area that will help fairgoers to understand different contract textile products and the derived business opportunities.
More finished products to cater to demand
Asia’s leading trade platform, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles offers a comprehensive range of home textiles and accessories. Recent editions have focused on abundant decoration fabrics and finished products. As per the fair’s visitor statistics, interest towards finished home textile products has increased by around 10 per cent in the past four years. With growing demand, more suppliers such as Naturtex, Jaspa Herington, Silkland and Weihai HengTai Woolen Blanket have decided to showcase their finished products. Visitors can thus expect to source more finished products ranging from bedding products and carpets & rugs to finished curtains, etc.