Invista, largest integrated producers of chemical intermediates, polymers and fibers has joined forces with South China University of Technology (SCUT) to develop talent in the chemical industry. The company awarded the ‘Invista Encouragement Scholarship’ to students from School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and also held a ‘Principled EntrepreneurshipTM Talents’ forum.
South China University of Technology is a national university directly managed by the China Ministry of Education. Through this scholarship, Invista aims to support and encourage outstanding chemistry undergraduates and graduates to pursue education and research in the chemical industry. At the forum, Invista explained the expertise required by the chemical industry and the importance of embracing corporate culture. SCUT graduates working in Invista also shared their experience with students, explaining their transition them from university to the workforce.
As a part of Invista’s community outreach initiatives, its offices and manufacturing sites in the region participate in and support corporate citizenship projects including scholarship programs, entrepreneurship education and youth enablement, relief efforts in emergencies. It also encourages employee involvement in projects that enhance the overall quality of life in the communities in which it operates. Besides SCUT, it has also supported local education by providing scholarship to schools in Qingpu District, Shanghai and Sanshui District, Foshan.