From January to May 2017 Japan saw a 1.98 per cent rise in its import volume. The value of imports fell by 0.54 per cent. During the first five months, both knitted and woven categories recorded a rise in volume terms (2.19 per cent and 1.38 per cent) and a decline in value terms (0.97 per cent and 0.15 per cent) respectively.
China, Vietnam and Bangladesh were the top apparel exporters to Japan among Asian countries. Volume-wise apparel exports from China and Vietnam were up by 0.36 per cent and 12.65 per cent, respectively, whereas Bangladesh’s garment exports dipped 3.95 per cent on a year-on-year basis.
However, in terms of value, China and Bangladesh felt the heat as both countries got lesser prices on exported apparels’ when compared to the corresponding period of last year. The value of China’s apparel exports plunged 2.46 per cent while Bangladesh saw a drop of 5.16 per cent. On the other hand, Vietnam saw an impressive value-wise rise in exports by 10.15 per cent. The year 2017 is projected to remain progressive for Japan as far as clothing demand is concerned.