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Kingpins holds 4th edition of China road show

The 4th edition of Kingpins China City Tour was held in Guangzhou (September 4) and Hangzhou (September 6). The road show was launched in 2016.

Both events were well attended. Each city hosted the around 40 exhibitors including Chinese as well as international companies. While last year’s edition was somewhat slow, this season brought a good number of visitors. There was the right mix of visitors including representatives of Chinese denim brands as well as the China-based sourcing teams of international companies such as H&M or Bestseller. The Hangzhou event showcased a new denim consumer event, KP2C, a denim festival, which featured several denim brands and designers, installations, workshops, and indigo-themed entertainment such as bull riding and a square dance performance. Chinese youngsters have a rising interest in cool, modern denim looks that have developed in the last decade.

Chinese mills and manufacturers see a wider prospect in participating in Kingpins. They want to become more well-known, especially in Europe, and show that denim from China has a really good quality and is far better than what buyers think. The mills have high production levels and rank high in terms of sustainability too.


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