Lectra has improved its productivity rate by 18 points in three years and has since maintained it at 89 per cent. Costs have already reduced 25 per cent and the quality and level of service has improved. In terms of positioning, Lectra has confirmed its leadership in the high end segment. Lectra has enriched its offer with end-to-end services and innovative, connected products whose embedded intelligence offers smart services, notably for predictive maintenance.
Lectra’s investment in R&D represents 9.4 per cent of its revenues. This investment has enabled Lectra to undergo a metamorphosis—based on methodological advances and fundamental technologies—increasing recruitment and growing competitiveness in all of its markets and geographical sectors.
With 10 years’ experience in the industrial internet of things for cutting and expertise in software solutions to automate and optimize design and product development, Lectra is in an unrivalled position to support customers as they enter the industry of the future era.
Pressure from certain shareholders to relocate manufacturing to China in 2005 triggered Lectra’s industrial project. Following risk analyses—the cost of transport for the European market, the turnover in qualified labor, uncertainty over patent rights and quality—Lectra decided to keep manufacturing in France. This choice was conditional on disruptive innovation, upgrading, increased value to customers, and a rise in productivity.