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Nordic Fashion Association launches sustainable textiles action plan

Nordic Fashion Association launched a new action plan in Copenhagen for sustainable fashion and textiles in the Nordic region. The initiative will focus on promoting sustainable design, increase pressure on the EU for enhanced chemical regulations, and promote recycling, reuse, and eco-labelling.

According to Kristen Brosbøl, Danish Minister of the Environment, the Nordic textile and fashion industry has the potential to become a leader in design, consumption and production. With the launch of this action plan, Nordic region can lead the way for green growth, a beacon for sustainable fashion and textiles, and can take it one step closer to that goal, he said.

The action plan has four key focus points: prompting more sustainable Nordic design through education programs across the region, putting more pressure on the EU for more enhanced chemical regulations, promoting eco-labelling, and moving the market more towards recycling and reuse.

The Nordic Fashion Association is inviting key industry players throughout the textile supply chain to come together and give the region a complete ‘sustainable makeover’. The Nordic sustainable fashion and textile futures also included presentations from representatives at H&M, the Sustainable Fashion Academy, and the Swedish Fashion Council.


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