Pakistan will have an agreement with Uzbekistan for agriculture research and technology transfers. This is aimed at improving cotton production in Pakistan. Uzbekistan has huge cotton stocks which it is willing to export to Pakistan. Uzbekistan also has the capacity to make its own cotton seeds and develop special seeds for Pakistan which are resistant to pest attacks.
Pakistan also aims at importing cotton seeds from Uzbekistan which are resistant to various diseases. Uzbekistan is also ready to extend assistance to Pakistan’s fisheries sector. Samarkand and Bukhara in Uzbekistan are unique agriculture centers where cotton clusters are set up for small farmers. Pakistan hopes to replicate such a model. Cotton picking tools and tractors from Uzbekistan are working in Pakistan on a trial basis. Uzbekistan hopes to import sugar, dairy and meat from Pakistan.
Bilateral trade between Pakistan and Uzbekistan is hampered by certain issues. These include: lack of direct cargo links, safe and direct land routes, marketing strategies, knowledge of Pakistani products, visa facilitation and costly transportation by air.