The proposed PM MITRA Park in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh is likely to not only attract over Rs 10,000 crore investment but also generate employment opportunities for over 1 lakh people, says Giriraj Singh, Union Minister of Textiles,
The textile park aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision to establish India as a self-reliant nation, and a global textile hub, adds Singh. The government aims to establish seven such textile parks across the country, he informs.
Spanning across approximately 1,563 acre in Dhar, the project is being developed by the Madhya Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation (MPIDC).
The Union Government also plans to develop similar PM MITRA Parks in other states like Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra.
To be developed with an investment of Rs 4,445, these parks will be operational by 2027-28. The current political crisis in Bangladesh has helped domestic textile companies enhance capacities and boost export growth, avers Singh. In October and November 2024, India's garment exports rose by 35 per cent while textile exports expanded by 11 per cent compared to the corresponding period a year ago, he adds.