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Primark focuses on sustainable cotton program

One in three women’s pajamas bought in the United Kingdom is from Primark. Cotton is the biggest fiber used in Primark’s products. For Primark sustainable cotton is about reducing environmental impact of cotton production while improving livelihoods of farmers and doing so in a way that delivers great value to customers.

Last year, Primark undertook a program to pull cotton from the program through its supply chain and into its products. Cotton Connect has played an integral role in this process. It has used its Reel cotton code, independently verified by Flocert, the organisation that provides Fairtrade International certification, to ensure that the cotton produced through the program is sustainable.

Primark’s buying and ethical trade teams have worked hand in hand with Cotton Connect and its suppliers to track the cotton through its supply chain in India. Last week in India, Primark brought together over 80 people from different parts of supply chain -- the Cotton Connect team who are working with the farmers, the ginners, spinners, mills and also garment suppliers. The aim was to see how the program could be scaled further. Only 12 per cent of cotton produced around the world is classed as sustainable.


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