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Producers gain from trade show

Over the last year, textile quantities produced by Première Vision exhibitors increased 2.1 per cent.

By economies, exhibitors from emerging markets claimed an increase of 9.8 per cent compared to a market gain of 4.2 per cent while exhibitors hailing from mature economies noted a 1.6 per cent gain compared to a 1.1 per cent dip across the whole developed market.

Asian exhibitors, meanwhile, witnessed a 5.9 per cent increase in 2015 as production slumped in Europe down 2.8 per cent.

Premiere Vision is a textile and leather trade show. In textiles as in leather, there is a premium in value-added materials. By material, Première Vision Leather exhibitors strengthened production by 3.9 per cent compared to only 0.9 per cent on the market as a whole. Emerging market leather producers do not attend the trade show, but production in these nations gained 2.9 per cent.. However exhibitors from developed nations were largely split. Première Vision producers recorded 3.9 per cent in growth in 2015 compared to a global market drop of 4.3 per cent.

Europe managed, however, to limit the impact of its production volume decrease when converted to sales. Asian exhibitors residing in developed markets also managed to maintain their revenue while emerging market producers saw an increase.


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