A team of scientists has given cotton and polyester fabrics a coating that repels almost any type of substance. SLIPS (Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces) is a slick coating that repels water, oil, tomato juice, eggs, wax, and blood, among other substances.
The obvious benefit of SLIPS technology is preventing stains in everyday clothing. Cotton and polyester fabrics given the coating retain exceptional protective properties even after rubbing, twisting, or washing. The coating can be applied to specialty textiles exposed to extreme environments. A broad range of applications of this latest modification include tactical suits for military and firefighters, medical gowns and lab coats, and specialty garments for construction and manufacturing. Further, certain properties such as anti-icing would provide an advantage in large awnings, tents, and open-air buildings such as sports stadiums.
The inspiration for the coating was the carnivorous pitcher plant. The plant utilizes a mixture of fluids and a mechanical trap to ensnare insects. By replicating these defense mechanisms, scientists were able to develop a porous material which could hold the water in the same way a sponge holds water.
A coat of SLIPS has been found to improve the efficiency of various appliances, such as refrigerators, by preventing continual defrosting in the coils, ultimately reducing costs, freezer burns, and spoilt produce.