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Steady progress for Oerlikon over the years

In 2017, Oerlikon delivered its targets and recorded top-line growth as well as improved operating profitability across all segments. The group recorded profitable growth by securing wins in its markets and industries, delivered on its strategy and sustained a high ebitda margin after offsetting sizeable investment expenses.

Full-year group order intake increased year-on-year by 24.5 per cent, including a positive currency impact of 0.7 per cent while sales were 22.1 per cent higher year-on-year, including a positive currency impact of 0.8 per cent.

The global economic expansion provided a steady backdrop for the upward trend in trade, export and capital investments in practically all of Oerlikon’s end markets, including automotive, aviation, tooling, general industries, energy, filament equipment, agriculture, construction and transportation.

The surface solutions segment continued steady upward trend, generating notable organic growth that was complemented by technology-strengthening acquisitions. The manmade fibers business reported substantial recovery, driven mainly by the China-led filament equipment market. The drive systems business made significant gains in sales, orders and operating profitability.

Oerlikon achieved strong year-on-year growth in operating profitability for the full year, as measured by both ebitda and ebit. Group ebitda increased 24.3 per cent, yielding a margin of 14.6 per cent. Full-year group ebit for 2017 was 7.7 per cent of group sales.



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