A textile processing cluster worth over Rs 250 crores is coming up near Kariyapatti in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu. The project being facilitated by MADITSSIA, will be the biggest cluster in Tamil Nadu. As many as 36 state-of-the-art bleaching and dyeing units with around 400 family-run textile manufacturers of Madurai, Sivaganga and Virudhunagar will be a part of Southern Districts Textile Processing Cluster Private Limited.
As per K R Gnanasambandan, MADITSSIA panel chairman, these scattered units are now facing closure as Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board has been issuing notices to them for polluting groundwater in the process of bleaching and dyeing. So, they need to move out and adopt better technologies to run the show.
The special purpose vehicle (SPV), formed for setting up the private industrial park, has bought 100 acres of land. The state and the Centre have given in-principle consent for the park under the Integrated Processing Development Scheme of the Union Ministry of Textiles.